Wednesday 6 April 2011


keywords: Green connection, contamination, Nature, River, Environmental Friendly

Earliers design

For the city of Haarlem I propose to make a green connection true out the city. This to not only connect the forest and the parks with other green elements in the city but also to connect to use the environment to clean up areas that once were use for industry and might been contiminated. In my critical datail I datailed a former industry terrain among the River. In the past the river quay was the location were all the industry will be for the tranportation by water. This was for the environment very bad because the rivers got contaminated. Also the Spaarne River was contaminated a few years ago. But the nature is strong and if we stop interfere with it in the bad way the nature and environment will recover again. We as urban planners can help the environment to intergrate environmantal friendly sollutions.
fig.1 the green conection in Haarlem wil help the intergration of the total environment in the city.

Future design

In my future design I will always keep looking for new ways to bring the environment in connection with my projects. I think that we are now starting to learn about respecting the environment and built and plan along it and not to built against it. In the future I will use the excel program of de Jong to check the norms that the environment is requiring.

fig.2 exel sheet from de Jong about the Recommended distance of industy from living areas

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