Wednesday 6 April 2011


keywords: Species, Landscape, Perspective, Landpoort, Eco Ducks, Biodiversity

Eerlier design

Life is something that we always should think about while designing. We as urban planner more than architects has to be able to look much more further in the future. Especially when we are planning neighbourhoods or towns. Planning is not something that you do for a short term it a process that need to go century and century. We are even able to change the landscape and the living environment of people or species like animal or plants. Life within a urban context is really important and we need to make a good balance in what is important for now and what will still be important in about twenty to fifty years without effecting any life. In my previous work I work with a group on a project where calculation of life for the short term and the long term was important. This project was master 1 urbanism project called Landpoort. The part we call Perspective where we look at the whole area of Landpoort and make some strategic decisions at last, has everything to do with the development of life and the environment and how we can use the quality of it, we made some green passages and Eco ducks to maintain the living of species in this area or to integrate them. Also we look at the development of life as in people lives. Below some pictures of the group proces in Master 1.

fig.1 Perspective for the Landpoort Area

fig.2 the cores that were choose as stratigic projects with the perspective was about were people and other life come together

 Future Design

 I think that for the future or for my current project where I want to use nature to heal the location I think I will try to look at the element of life more in the way of Biodiversity in an area. Nature and Environment will develop as the most important actors in an urban design project. The excel program of Prof. de Jong give us the possibilities to do some measurement and calculations about different type of species. Of course as urban designer I will always keep I mind the life development of the people that will use the spaces. Below some fragment from the excel program from Prof. de Jong and the book SWWELL.

fig.3 Excel sheet from de Jong about Population growth.

fig.4 Excel sheet from de Jong about Urban dynamics

fig. 5 fragment out of the book SWWELL by de Jong about landscape changes since the ice age

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